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4 point harness length
smart51 - 24/3/05 at 11:03 AM

how long are 4 point harnesses' shoulder straps from the lap belt to the mounting plate. I know that there are short ones and long ones. Would 48" / 1.2 m be the ones to use for a seven or not?

smart51 - 24/3/05 at 12:02 PM

guesses would be good.
does 4ft / 48"/ 1.2 m sound like the right length or not? A quick answer is better than a pricise answer. Please?

smart51 - 24/3/05 at 12:15 PM

They were for sale on ebay. No-one replied so I bid in the last seconds of the auction and won. I hope they are the right size.

craig1410 - 24/3/05 at 01:06 PM

Sorry, only just saw this or would have replied sooner...

I'd say that 48" is quite long for each shoulder strap but you can always tuck the excess away somewhere. I'd caution you against cutting it unless you can stitch the end back up in the appropriate manner (not easy...)

Better to be too long than too short....that's what I keep telling my Wife anyway


James - 24/3/05 at 02:45 PM

ned - 24/3/05 at 04:38 PM

if they are too long you may be able to mount them lower down in the axle/dif/boot space. i'm not saying this is a good idea, but it has been mentioned before when someone asked about using saloon type harnesses which are much longer.


Marcus - 24/3/05 at 08:28 PM

Cut 'em, sew 'em and melt the ends so they don't fray, or just tuck the excess in the boot!


smart51 - 24/3/05 at 08:48 PM

just picked up the harnesses. The are a bit long but will adjust just fine. the tails will be a bit long but cutting and sewing will probably work.

Another fine bargain from Ebay.