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Child Saftey Seats
Blairm - 1/5/05 at 08:07 PM


Finally on the raod and now the problems start. Namely a 2 year old who is already car mad. Not a bad thing I guess, but he can not understand why he can not come with Dad.

I have tried fitting a booaster seat but standard hard polystyrene units we have here in NZ will not fit. I have purchased a saftey harness that bolts in and secures him well, but need a form of booster to locate him more safely (and avoid issue with the law).

Any advice about how other poeple have got around this problem would be much appreciated.

Cheers Blair

PS Only intended for use on quiet Sunday drives of course. Otherwise the wife and child would probably go and the settlement would require sale of the car. Not and Option!!!!

[Edited on 1/5/05 by Blairm]

tri - 1/5/05 at 09:46 PM

this is prob a thought of idea and tried but have you tried to reshape the booster you bought

Blairm - 2/5/05 at 12:43 AM


Going to take it back and look for a softer compound first. Then find a second hand one to cut up incase I mess it up badley

Cheers Blair

Chris_R - 2/5/05 at 08:39 AM

You could try shaping polystyrene with a wire brush and then trimming it with your choice of fabric. Should get a near perfect fit. Fixing it may prove tricky though.

Peteff - 2/5/05 at 10:15 AM

Most of the ones we had were only a wedge shape made of plastic or styrene. Get a block of insulation, the blue or pink stuff Steve Graber used to make moulds, and you should be able to make as many as you like. Cover it with gaffer tape and it should last till he outgrows it, you could use velcro to hold it in but it should really hold with his weight.

[Edited on 2/5/05 by Peteff]

Blairm - 3/5/05 at 07:12 AM


What exactly is the pink or Blue stuff. Ove here we have a product cell closed cell foam. I think it may be ideal?

Cheers Blair

Peteff - 3/5/05 at 10:03 AM

This is the stuff, urethane not styrene sorry.

smart51 - 3/5/05 at 11:04 AM

bolt a child seat directly to the chassis floor, like an adult seat?