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dashboard template
Taylor7 - 9/5/05 at 02:13 PM

Does anyone have printable to scale template of an mk indy dashboard so i can be trying out different designs or even a drawing with all dimensions on it so i can do my own (must be accurate though).
Ta Dan.:

tri - 9/5/05 at 04:05 PM

i don't have one sorry why don't you make one yourself with a big bit of cardboard

zetec - 9/5/05 at 04:11 PM

Best way to do it is to get some MDF, cut a little oversize, then draw round the scuttle and cut yourself one out. Then you can draw or stick pieces of paper the size of the dials and switches on to see what looks and works best.

The thing is I bet no two Indy dashes are the same....Some go straight across like mine, others have a centre section to the tranny tunnel.

Taylor7 - 10/5/05 at 09:33 AM

I don`t have any kit yet so no scuttle to copy, but have got some of my dash components and wanted to get it made up and ready. to go on when i get the kit,
