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GRP seats on ebay
undecided - 17/6/05 at 06:22 PM

Hi all,
Have any of you used or have this type of seat and what are your views if you have as they seem just right for the job and at a decent price.

sorry not sure how to do a link so here is the ebay item number: 4556898177

rayward - 17/6/05 at 06:26 PM

Seats LInky

robinbastd - 17/6/05 at 10:39 PM

Found at the bottom of this listing:

Return Policy Details: If for any reason you are not over the moon or at all chuffed with your purchase please email.

And then what?

Nice little seats,perfect for little people/little cars.

RazMan - 18/6/05 at 12:36 AM

They look like karting seats to me - look how flat the bases are. Might be just the job for a headroom issue.

[Edited on 18-6-05 by RazMan]

Triton - 18/6/05 at 08:27 AM

In the world of "who ate all the pies" where everybody makes things for those a tad too big
It's about time things were made for normal sized people again.......namely me..5ft 5" 9st ready to piss.

Hellfire - 18/6/05 at 12:57 PM

although those seats look nice - I think they would struggle to support and hold enough, unless the harnesses were uncomfortably tight. Compare those to our's and the difference is quite amazing!

robinbastd - 18/6/05 at 09:02 PM

Mark, you are as far from normal as I am.


indykid - 19/6/05 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
although those seats look nice - I think they would struggle to support and hold enough, unless the harnesses were uncomfortably tight. Compare those to our's and the difference is quite amazing!

i really can't fault the MK glass fibre seats, for comfort and support.

i drove all the way down to newark, and sat in traffic on the a1, and my arse didn't hurt a single bit.

on the way back was a different matter, as i picked up a chunk of gravel, about the size of a small grape, but pointy, on the M1 slip road. i was in agony by the time i got home, but i'd think that'd be the case with any seat. them ones above appear to have no lateral support though, and of course this is all by the by as bidding has ended

back to the original question though, my view is that they look alright, but expect a dead arse, and they will be no good for a seven unless you are of sufficient portliness to get your support from the trans tunnel and side panel.


mandy69 - 27/6/05 at 08:18 PM

[url=http://][/u rl]

theconrodkid - 27/6/05 at 08:56 PM

i got some bubble type granny seat covers,well comfy even with my bad back/dodgy leg