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Seatbelt upper strap length too short
James - 28/6/05 at 11:14 AM

I've got the standard Sabelt seatbelts as supplied by MAC1.

I need to attach them to the roll bar to get the required SVA height.

What I've discovered is that the straps seem too short. My chassis is about 5" longer in the body than standard. The end result is that even with my skinny body the adjustment buckles are up at collar bone height and there's only an inch or so adjustment left. Anyone fatter than me or shorter (so the seat goes forward) is gonna have to do without seatbelts.

So basically question is: any inexpensive ideas anyone?

I was wondering if it's be possible to buy an extension piece for the belts with a metal piece at each end. This would bolt to the chassis and then bolt to the current seatbelt buckle.

I know you can buy belts with extra long straps but I've got the short ones now!


smart51 - 28/6/05 at 02:13 PM

My harnesses came with extension harneses. I have no use for them and I was going to put them on eBay eventually.

There are 4 of them. They have the triangular mounting plates at one end. They are (from memory) 1200 or 1300 mm long (will check) and there are 4 rectangular steel pieces with slots in (presumably to join them to your existing harnesses). They are black and are 50mm wide.

I don't know if they are SVA proof or not.

Any use to you?

Dale - 28/6/05 at 04:43 PM

This may be a stupid response but could they be in upside down?
it just seams that the longer straps should be on the top as opposed to the bottom ones.

James - 30/6/05 at 10:31 AM

Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm pretty sure I haven't put them in upside down!

That only leaves the possibility they've been made incorrectly. Have to admit I haven't checked the 2nd of the pair in case it's different. Will do so tonight if I can.


DarrenW - 30/6/05 at 11:13 AM

Youd know if they were the wrong way round as Sabelt word would be upside down - id doubt if youd do that James.

Ive got the same belts in my ZR and they are OK for me, im only 5'11" with beer gut, seat is a few inches forward of the rear bulkhead - no problems with strap position. The ZR is bigger than a book chassis as well. I cant think why you are having the problem. Are the belts new / virtually unused?? Mark might take them back for swaps.

Dale - 30/6/05 at 03:12 PM

I did not think that it would be likely unless they were manufactured incorectly. But then again I am putting the steering wheel on the wrong side.