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steering wheel size?
Dale - 18/7/05 at 03:07 PM

Who is using what size wheel, I am installing the pedals and finding that the donor 15.5 inch mgb wheel hits my thigh when I lift my leg for the clutch. How heavy does the wheel feel when switching to a smaller one. The last non power steering car I drove was a 1970 ford pickup and it was 2 hands pulling on the wheel to park. I hope to keep this fairly light.

DarrenW - 18/7/05 at 03:10 PM

10" wheels are popular. I have to use std Sierra wheel for SVA and this is definitely too large for everyday driving. I have been told that 10" wheels are still light for 7 type cars.

David Jenkins - 18/7/05 at 03:12 PM

With my current seats (Baby Cubs) my arms are fairly well bent (thick cushions) and my 12" wheel is easy to turn. When I tried my new Trident GRP seats my arms are a lot straighter and the increase in effort is noticeable. Still perfectly manageable, but I probably wouldn't go for a smaller wheel when I've installed the new seats.

Remember - these are very light cars that don't require much steering effort! You may even find that 10" is fine for you.


[Edited on 18/7/05 by David Jenkins]

Dale - 18/7/05 at 03:25 PM

I have a fairly heavy engine in mine and its going to end up around 1500-1600 lbs so it will be a bit heavier steering but hopefully not too bad. May have to find a couple of used ones or make up one to try.

David Jenkins - 18/7/05 at 03:27 PM

For info - my car's just under 1300lb (585kg)


andylancaster3000 - 18/7/05 at 03:31 PM

What is the reason that the seirra wheel has to be used for the SVA. Do aftermarket wheels fail on the minimum radius rules?


ned - 18/7/05 at 03:34 PM


Sierra wheel is bigger, so you get a larger exemption zone behind it on the dash radiusing ie toggle switches etc etc


DarrenW - 18/7/05 at 03:35 PM

Im using Sierra wheel just to be safe. I have heard of people using Mountney or similar wheels with a centre crash pad. Sierra wheel is bigger so also gives you a larger exempt area on the dash to 'hide' switches etc behind.

I did hear that SVA like a type approved wheel or else you need to prove it is safe in crash etc - i dont know if this is correct or not but gives credence to using the Sierra wheel. They are not good long term as they seem to fall off shortly after testing!!

Great minds think alike, eh Ned. Simultaneous posting.

Ref seating position - i was told during rally driving course to get as close to the wheel as possible so that full power of arms and shoulders can be used to control the car more effrectively. Easier to turn wheel.

[Edited on 18/7/05 by DarrenW]

andylancaster3000 - 18/7/05 at 03:39 PM

OK, thanks guys, (sorry about the slight hijack)


rayward - 18/7/05 at 04:05 PM

my car weighs 720kg (xflow engine), i have a 10" wheel, no problems with heavy steering.


Dale - 18/7/05 at 04:29 PM

Thanks-- that is good news then-- not likely going to do a lot of parrellel parking with it anyway-- now to try and find a mg looking wheel and a quick release hub that will fit the mgb column.

Alan_Thomas - 18/7/05 at 09:55 PM

Mine is 10" (and the steering wheel is the same size!) and it is much easier getting in and out as it allows your knee to pass between wheel and cockpit side and is no effort driving of even parking.
Car has Crossflow engine + standard rack.

- Alan

donut - 19/7/05 at 05:36 PM

Caterhams look very good with their 10" wheels but then the dash is quite shallow unlike most replicas. 11" or 12" i would think would look nicer.

Has anyone had any experience with this lot? mp;category=40195&item=7986521168&rd=1

Dale - 19/7/05 at 05:59 PM

When you say "the dash is quite shallow" do you mean the distance from the top of the scuttle to the bottom of the dash , or the distance from the back of the seat to the dash (which is longer on the locost), or the distance from the side rail to the top of the scuttle?

donut - 19/7/05 at 06:01 PM

I mean the top of the scuttle to the bottom of the dash.

Deckman001 - 19/7/05 at 06:23 PM


Has anyone had any experience with this lot? mp;category=40195&item=7986521168&rd=1

Check the price for the boss kit, they are sometimes more than the wheel !!


donut - 19/7/05 at 06:30 PM

Yeah and the quality of these are not brill. Some of them look flippin amazing though.

chrisg - 19/7/05 at 09:02 PM

Mine's a 13 incher.

(ooer missus etc..........)

Which I don't have a problem with, leg room wise.

Perhaps a 10 inch would be better for some of you as you could still drive in handcuffs?



donut - 19/7/05 at 10:30 PM


Perhaps a 10 inch would be better for some of you as you could still drive in handcuffs?

Oooh sounds pervy!!

Dale - 20/7/05 at 03:14 PM

Through my cut down mgb seat back in last night ( I had given up on using them ) and I might just be able to use them if I go to a 10 inch wheel, That could be worth the extra steering effort or price of a new wheel.