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Seats, Montreal Fiberglass Buckets £99?
the_fbi - 1/8/05 at 10:11 PM

Anybody got any of these seats?

They appear very good value and the quality looks (from the pictures) to be good too.

Sizewise are they OK for an MK Indy?
Sizes: height: 90 cm, length: 53 cm, width: front:40 cm, middle: 38 cm, shoulders: 46 cm, interiorsize base: 32 cm, weight: 6 Kgs

They do appear a little heavy though, how does 6Kg compare to other offerings?


Triton - 2/8/05 at 07:18 AM

4.5kgs for these
And 4.3 kgs for this type: Both £180.00pr inc P&P Rescued attachment Narrow high back race seat.png
Rescued attachment Narrow high back race seat.png

piddy - 2/8/05 at 08:03 PM

Hi do fibreglass bucket seats have to be bolted direct to the floor or can they be put on runners?

Triton - 2/8/05 at 08:07 PM

Can't speak for others but both of my seats have mounting feet so can either be bolted direct to floor or on runners.

jww - 4/8/05 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by the_fbi
Anybody got any of these seats?


I got two last week. They're very stiff, the back shell is diagonally ribbed for stiffness and both skins are well made, and you can't see where the two skins have been joined. The foam pads are not quite stuck in places but a press of the hand has got them properly tacked down and it doesn't look like they'll shift again.

Though because of that, repainting them anything other than silver isn't the easy alternative the seller is saying - the foam may well get ripped as it comes off.

My main complaint with them is that they're a slightly tight fit for my arse but then I can't fit straight in a kart seat either.

Also, you may find a bit of bother with contactable edges round the harness holes, I'm unsure whether they're all OK for SVA and once you start gently sanding, that's a repaint needed.

Lastly the lower harness holes aren't cut through so you're very likely to need to cut them anyway. How well that turns out, and whether they then need paint anyway, well I'll probably find out this weekend.

But TBH I don't think the pics do them justice.

Having said all that, the only reasons I took these are that I wanted the stiffest seats I could get without bracing the back or getting carbon shells, and I needed side mounted ones to get the seat as low as possible, or my helmeted head would be higher than the rollbar. Otherwise I'd have had a set from Triton (I prefer the head restraint style on his) and saved fifty quid into the bargain. And not needed side mounts too. Not to mention supporting a locostbuilder rather than an annonymous trader of course!

Last thing - one of my seats arrived damaged, it hadn't been packaged well and the top of the head restraint area had been bashed in transit. Seller sent out another (extremely well protected) seat next day, no quibbles, and I've still got the damaged one. I'm going to see about widening it 1" and taking moulds off it

But at least you know the seller is straight up. Must confess before I bought 'em I was a bit unsure about buying effectively unseen from overseas but I can't fault his customer support.

Hope that's a balanced report...
