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HELP! harness nut thread stripped
Humbug - 17/9/05 at 03:51 PM

As in the title. I was fitting my harnesses and one bolt was a bit stiff. Took it out, tried a few more times, to cut a long story short it looks like I've stripped the thread on the nut on the driver's side outer panel. The bolt tightens up nicely until about 1mm before it is fully home, then just turns and turns.

Any ideas? I think my options are:

1. remove the nut and weld on a new one

2. tap the nut out to a slightly bigger size and use an appropriate bolt

Thanks in advance.

rayward - 17/9/05 at 04:28 PM

I would remove the old one and weld in a new nut, might save your butt one day!!!.


Peteff - 17/9/05 at 04:28 PM

3. Drill through the nut and put another one behind it.
They don't have to be welded on, that's probably what knackered the threads in the original.

rusty nuts - 17/9/05 at 08:01 PM

Weld on a new nut, clean the threads with a correct size tap and use a new bolt with the correct markings. Not worth the risk trying to bodge it.

Humbug - 17/9/05 at 08:26 PM

Thanks - I definitely don't want to bodge something as imnportant as this

Snuggs - 17/9/05 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
3. Drill through the nut and put another one behind it.
They don't have to be welded on, that's probably what knackered the threads in the original.

IIRC Seat belt mounting bolts MUST screw into a captive nut to pass SVA.

wilkingj - 17/9/05 at 10:21 PM

Hmm I got a plate (approx 50mm Square) with a nut already on it, and then just mounted the plate to the body. I paid £1 each plate with nut, and that has got to be easier than welding nuts onto the chassis... easier, but mybe not cheaper.

Nick Skidmore - 18/9/05 at 10:43 AM

Helicoil or similar??

rusty nuts - 18/9/05 at 01:09 PM

Even though Helicoils are an excellent product not sure I would risk them on such a safety related item , also would cost more than welding on a new nut.

Peteff - 18/9/05 at 01:59 PM

Mine don't. It passed with nylocs.

locoboy - 25/9/05 at 09:05 PM

where can i get 7/16 UNF nylocks then Pete? I need 4 of them, ..............they are 7/16 UNF threaded bolts on the harnesses arn't they?

Peteff - 26/9/05 at 09:20 AM

That's just a minimum spec, I used metric bolts and nuts from the local supplier.

ned - 26/9/05 at 09:43 AM

7/16unf from there are other suppliers, this is who i've used though. i'd drill it and put anotehr bolt on personally.


locoboy - 26/9/05 at 08:45 PM

Judging by the look of the bots that are on my willans harnesses they dont come out of the mounting plate................or do they?