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Weather profing Tunnel
kango - 21/10/05 at 06:39 PM

Any good ideas of weather proofing the tunnel. Closing up the holes around the handbrake lever and gearlever.
I have a split welde in steel floor.

big_wasa - 21/10/05 at 06:46 PM

eer no idea m8 other than the usuall sealer...

Still would like to know how you bent the square top tube on the back of your chassis tho please...

cheers warren

kango - 21/10/05 at 06:55 PM

Cut a circle to the set outer diameter. Cut it into four and welder a 25 mm stip indetween two of the quoters, inside and outside. Will put the pics in my archive tomorrow. It is on my other computer.

Would like to weather proof in such a manner that when I remove the pot of the tunnel I don,t have to reseal everything.

Hellfire - 21/10/05 at 10:59 PM

I wouldn't bother as water spray etc will get into tunnel from under engine.

We put a small baffle in to deflect water away from the opening for the gear selector.