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harnesses - handed?
Jumpy Guy - 4/11/05 at 08:20 PM

Daft question- i'm putting in my four part harnesses, and i'm not sure which is the better way to fit them..

the harnesses are the red-press button to release, so...

should the metal clip bit be on the tunnel side, with the release button bit on the outside, or vice versa??

not sure...

not sure if it matters, either....

donut - 4/11/05 at 08:31 PM

Depends if you're left or right handed!

john_p_b - 4/11/05 at 08:42 PM

makes no difference at all.

are yours in kit form or something?! both of mine have the release button on the left so it didn't matter which went which side.

MikeR - 4/11/05 at 11:47 PM

generally people put them so the release bit goes to the middle so its not hanging out side the car. The metal clip bit therefore hangs out.

The idea is that the release mechanism might get damanged / damage teh car. With the red press button type it doesn't make much difference.

NS Dev - 5/11/05 at 02:34 AM

tiy xabr aowkk cwet qwkk wurgwe nuje!

NS Dev - 5/11/05 at 02:34 AM

tiy xabr aowkk cwet qwkk wurgwe nuje!

MikeR - 5/11/05 at 09:31 AM

i think someone is going to try and claim they where drunk last night!

tish when will he learn???? lets all wait for the "i can't remember what happened last night, i don't feel well, i've got a sore bum and think i was drugged post"

Jumpy Guy - 5/11/05 at 10:39 AM

Thanks for the response guys; buttons now on the inside, next to the tunnel.

special thanks to Dev for that formidable display of gobbledeygook.

donut - 5/11/05 at 10:59 AM

Yeah whats he on? and where can i get some