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Triton - 5/11/05 at 04:40 PM

Picture in archive showing 3 smoothy seats

[Edited on 5/11/05 by Triton]

Triton - 5/11/05 at 04:46 PM

3 versions of smoothy seats Rescued attachment Low side, high side and wide smoothy seats 2.jpg
Rescued attachment Low side, high side and wide smoothy seats 2.jpg

Peteff - 5/11/05 at 06:01 PM

I thought you'd gone mad and started making fibreglass hats .

Paul (Notts) - 5/11/05 at 06:32 PM

Price and size of larger seat please

and mass if possible in Kg

[Edited on 5/11/05 by Paul (Notts)]

fesycresy - 5/11/05 at 08:55 PM

That seat on the right looks like it might even take my fat arse. How much ?

robinbastd - 5/11/05 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by fesycresy
That seat on the right looks like it might even take my fat arse.

I fit in that one comfortably. I'm 6'6",18 stone and not skinny.Without telling you all of my vital statistics I've got a 36" waist and it wasn't too tight a fit.
As for how much,er I can't remember and I'm feeling to idle to look for it on Ebay.
No doubt the mad little beggar that makes them will pop up soon.


robinbastd - 5/11/05 at 10:31 PM

Here it is....... (don't want to be called idle by the blue smartie man)

Triton - 6/11/05 at 09:16 AM

I would post a picture of the wife in one of the wider seats but she won't be best pleased.....She is 5ft nowt and to say it looks like one of those kids safety seats with her parked in it is a bit of an understatement...

Triton - 6/11/05 at 09:19 AM

Forgot to say they weigh 5kgs, bit heavier than the others but then they are bigger.

The mad beggar of carnon fits and he is what you might call ..."quite a big bloke"

zzrpowerd-locost - 6/11/05 at 10:20 AM

so which would be best for me? Left or right? mike (guinness) has the middle one with the harness solts and it was far to tight round the hip area for me, in fact it was painfull

Triton - 6/11/05 at 10:58 AM

If the ones Mike had are a tad tight for you then the ones on the right will suit you, as they are wider inside everywhere but still fit into a Locost...spooky !!!!..430max width(but this is on the rolled edge and could if need be, be trimmed down)


Winston Todge - 6/11/05 at 11:04 AM

Hey Mark,

Looking like a real nice range of seats for loads of applications!

I'm tempted by the roll edged seats. Any chance you're bringing any down to Exeter? I'll be popping down there to meet Marc to exchange some bits, any chance I could sit my bum in a seat or two?



Triton - 6/11/05 at 12:20 PM


Yes I'm going to Exeter although only as a nosey parker ...will take an example of what i can squeeze in the car.
I think from the feedback I'm getting that the wider seat was worth the effort.


mandy69 - 6/11/05 at 08:02 PM

Thank you for taking the time today to show us the wider seat and can you let us know when the carbon insert version is ready? I know you have a lot to do these next few weeks but we eagely await the new seat for our new project car.
Thanks Mand and Kev

Triton - 6/11/05 at 09:15 PM

No worries Mandy

Winston Todge - 8/11/05 at 09:15 PM

If there's any chance you could bring a roll edged seat for my bum? If you could fit it in?

If not, no worries I'm sure I can find someone localish with your seats in their car!

Is there any difference in 'seating capacity' (ie. inner dimensions) between the roll edged seat and the taller sided smoothy?



Triton - 8/11/05 at 10:06 PM

No the narrow seats are the same width inside just one has high sides the other low....i think the lower ones are more comfortable.
I will have one of each with me


Ben Smith - 9/11/05 at 09:42 PM

Do you know which ones would fit an IRS Striker? I have no idea how this compares in size to a book chassis and it's too cold to go out side and measure it!


Triton - 9/11/05 at 11:09 PM

Narrow ones measure 390mm at widest point if that helps as i don't have a clue how wide a Striker is compared to a Locost.

Ben Smith - 9/11/05 at 11:26 PM

390mm sounds about right. I will check tomorrow.



Triton - 9/11/05 at 11:38 PM

If it's really tight then maybe the low sided ones would help make life easier with fitting the belts. The rolled edges can be trimmed back if needed.