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Seat broken :(
Humbug - 14/11/05 at 10:32 AM

No - not because of my lardy butt! I have (I think) Intatrim seats which are a fibreglass shell padded and trimmed. I came back from a little blat yesterday and must have leaned on the side of the seat when I got out, because there was a snap and the backrest gave way on one side.

I haven't taken it out yet to look, but any thoughts on removeing the padding and putting some glass mat and resin on to repair the crack?

Alternatively I could just swap the seats over as I don't often have a passenger

One of these days/months/years I could quite fancy a pair of Triton's seats, though they look a bit hard on the bum.

donut - 14/11/05 at 11:00 AM

See if you can repair the seat then swap over.

Peteff - 14/11/05 at 11:49 AM

Then you can't have a passenger as there's no seat for them

Triton - 14/11/05 at 01:55 PM

They are more comfy than they look...honestly.
So comfy in fact that they are now being shipped abroad to places like Italy and going in road cars not kit cars.

If you can get to Exeter show next Sunday you can park yer bum in one to see for yourself.

JoelP - 14/11/05 at 02:14 PM

provided they fit your shape, tritons seats are indeed very comfortable. Not tried a long trip in them yet though, as its still not fitted!