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Rear View Mirror Idea OK???
Avoneer - 23/12/05 at 09:10 PM

Anyone any comments on this mirror?

Will be sika'd or riveted in place in the end.

E marked and from a normal car.

OR should I mount one from the scuttle?

Pat... Rescued attachment RearViewMirror.jpg
Rescued attachment RearViewMirror.jpg

Triton - 23/12/05 at 09:12 PM

Hi Pat,
Nope leave it where it is....better up there than on the scuttle, i think anyway.


Triton - 23/12/05 at 09:13 PM

Thought you had low back seats.....i spy high back jobbies in the phottie

Avoneer - 23/12/05 at 09:20 PM

Got the low backs and Chris Masons old High Backs.

Not decided which look best yet!

On a positive note - think of the photo opprotunites once it's finished!


P.S. Both types of seats look great. Might have a high back for the driver and low back for the passenger!

Triton - 23/12/05 at 09:42 PM

Good idea with high back for driver and low back on passenger side, might need a pad on the roll bar though.


Avoneer - 23/12/05 at 09:51 PM

Sod that - Just a drivers seat then!

No, sounds like a good idea. A bit of pipe lagging with vinyl and velcro cover like a bit from a BMX - good thinking.


Triton - 23/12/05 at 10:04 PM

Suits you sir!!!!

Fozzie - 23/12/05 at 10:27 PM

Pat, my friendly plumber's shop donated my pipe lagging, which I put on for SVA as in picture. A bit later I put the head rests on and 'lost' the lagging. It was secured nice 'n' tite with neatened cable ties!
Fozzie Rescued attachment 2Fozzie.jpg
Rescued attachment 2Fozzie.jpg