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Seat harness hole trims
Humbug - 15/1/06 at 12:00 PM

I fitted the harness hole trims to my seats (they came with the seats but were not fitted). Trouble is, they don't seem to fit very well - they are not quite long enough front to back and they don't snap together, so keep falling out. I've tried Araldite Rapid, but I think it doesn't work well because they are shiny plastic. Currently using transparent Duck tape!

Any ideas, and/or has anyone got any replacements going spare? I would prefer the rectangular ones - I think they wouild be easier to align.

Cheers Rescued attachment 2006-01-15 4 ST harness holes.JPG
Rescued attachment 2006-01-15 4 ST harness holes.JPG

piddy - 15/1/06 at 12:20 PM

Maybe Super glue for plastic?

Danozeman - 15/1/06 at 01:35 PM

Id try super glue . Or rough the plastic up if u cant see it for the araldite..