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simes43 - 19/1/06 at 11:10 AM

Please could you respond to my u2u.



NS Dev - 19/1/06 at 11:28 AM

You are best to email Triton.

He's currently got a lot on his plate and may struggle to check U2U as well as everything else.

Use his email link and he will get back to you.

Triton - 19/1/06 at 08:58 PM

Don't really want to go into things to much but will say... my wife was rushed into hospital on the 30th December and is likely to be there for a good while yet.

So will apologise now if any posts come accross a bit harsh or i don't reply to u2u's very quickly.

Still producing grp but fitting things in around the kids school makes for a shorter working day.


Gav - 19/1/06 at 09:13 PM

Best wishes to Mrs Triton

flak monkey - 19/1/06 at 09:24 PM

Yes indeed, sorry to hear that Mark . Best wishes to all the family.
