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Urgent help with triton seat mounts!!!
pathfinder - 6/4/06 at 05:59 PM

Evening all,
I have ordered some of Tritons lovely grp seats and they should be delivered some time tomorrow, however I have a slight problem!

The chassis is booked in for re-powder coating on Monday but my transport man has just phoned to say he can’t pick it up then, it will have to be tomorrow at 3 or wait until after Easter (its free so can’t grumble)! I want to weld some bars across my chassis to mount the seats on, can anyone give me the dimensions shown on the drawing below so I can burn the midnight oil and get the mounts in!

I always seem to cut things a bit fine!

Cheers gents Rescued attachment carb_seats_evo_24 copy.jpg
Rescued attachment carb_seats_evo_24 copy.jpg

pathfinder - 6/4/06 at 07:13 PM

Not to bothered about B & C but I still need dimension A, Back of seat to back seat mounts? Triton has sold millions of these so someone must know!!!

3GEComponents - 6/4/06 at 07:30 PM

Have you tried asking Triton? I'm sure he'll know

pathfinder - 6/4/06 at 07:33 PM

Yup, I’ve sent him U2U but he hasn’t read it yet!

Guinness - 6/4/06 at 07:51 PM

Right, been out to the car and had a measure up. But, please don't kill me if these don't work for you! My seats are installed so getting at the base is tricky, to say the least!!!

In reverse order,

C is 11" or 280mm on mine.

B is 12 1/2" or 320mm on mine.

A is much harder to work out. AB is 165mm from the sloping back of the cockpit. The sloping back is 580mm along the angle and 550mm vertical. The furthest back bit of the seat is 60mm from the top edge of the slope. Trig anyone?



seats dims
seats dims
sorry about the riting, its hard wiv just crayons.

[Edited on 6/4/06 by Guinness]

pathfinder - 6/4/06 at 08:08 PM

Cheers chap you’re a gent! will trig that out and see how it looks!

To be fair I can always make some adapters to shift the seat forward/back a bit later on, just wanted to be somewhere near!

thanks again

Guinness - 6/4/06 at 09:20 PM

It might be worth asking MK as the bars across the chassis where in exactly the right place!

IIRC they are 50mm x 4mm flats across the chassis.


Triton - 6/4/06 at 09:30 PM

Mr Pathfinder,
Did my u2u make sense? sorry It's silly o'clock but never realised I wasn't signed in till i tried to respond to a post so never got the stack of u2u's for a wee while.......thick or what!


pathfinder - 6/4/06 at 09:33 PM

All welded in now! and just got a reply from triton that confirms your dimensions Guinness.

Thanks for all your help, aint the tinterweb a wonderful thing?!?!

Triton - 6/4/06 at 09:49 PM

Tickety boo