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Small steering wheels?
RazMan - 12/6/06 at 01:06 PM

I'm having quite a job finding a small steering wheel other than the 'traditional' style 3 spokes. Ideally I need something under 300mm dia - any suggestions?

Agriv8 - 12/6/06 at 01:17 PM

razman is smaller wheel required for leg knee room.

as this works well in my setup


[Edited on 12/6/06 by Agriv8]

[Edited on 12/6/06 by Agriv8]

zxrlocost - 12/6/06 at 01:45 PM

thats what Ive got great bit of kit

Marcus - 12/6/06 at 02:04 PM

OMP do a good range of wheels at about 300mm dia. I'm going to buy a Trecento when funds allow.


gingerprince - 12/6/06 at 02:18 PM

If you want small then you could get a Go Kart steering wheel. That's what mine has: -

Advantage is the wheels are nice and cheap, as is a removable boss.

RazMan - 12/6/06 at 02:22 PM

You guessed my problem Agriv8 I've got a 330mm flat bottomed Momo which I hoped was going to give me enough room but now that I've trimmed my seats the legroom has become a problem yet again.

I wonder if the smaller Momo would do it.
I found a Volanti 300mm which has an offset (similar effect to a flat bottom I suppose)

Ginger - where did you get your kart wheel?

[Edited on 12-6-06 by RazMan]

rpsmith - 12/6/06 at 02:24 PM

Gingerprince, where did you get your steering wheel and boss from?


Agriv8 - 12/6/06 at 03:05 PM

I think mine is 300 ( ohh er ) will measure tonight if required

Must admit its a fine sterring wheel ( its the connection between that and the pedals thats the problem - ME !!! ).

Mine has a Quick relaease boss on ( this was to assist in getting in and Out ) but dont need to remove ( only do that for rain / security )

the MNr is very generous for leg room my legs are slightly bent ( 38 inside leg )

but grabbed a bit more by adjusting the column mount as far up the scutle as possible and makling sure that all the peddles were vertical at start of travell helped.

what about a large spacer behing the wheel ( seems a shame to waste a nice steering wheel ) or hight adjustable column perhaps ?



[Edited on 12/6/06 by Agriv8]

[Edited on 12/6/06 by Agriv8]

RazMan - 12/6/06 at 03:49 PM

Been there done that I'm afraid - adjustable Sierra column at its highest setting and a boss which spaces the wheel away from the dash (problem is I cant easily reach the stalks now)
I just need that extra inch and all will be well (don't we all ) I suppose I could replace the boss with a 'deep dish' rally style wheel like this - that might help.

muzchap - 12/6/06 at 05:09 PM

I got the 300mm Trecento - arrived today!

Its awesome - perfect size and looks fantasic!!!

Cant wait to fit it - post something or other

Liam - 12/6/06 at 05:16 PM

You could try and get hold of a caterham wheel like I got. 260mm momo.


Fred W B - 12/6/06 at 05:45 PM

More kart wheel stuff


Fred W B

Agriv8 - 12/6/06 at 07:43 PM


Did not realise you were building somthing a little diferent good on yah.

Guessing honda v6 ? how are you finding the davis water pump ( are you running the thermostatic speed control ?) oh nice battery by the way both of these are on my to do list when I save up some pennies

My OMP id width 330mm and the base of the flat is 130 mm from the center by the way.

regarding getting the wheel closer to you and away from your knees. I beleive the triangle part of the steering shaft can be pulled out of its outer a little. the space the bracket with washers packers.

Think the cart wheel best option.



RazMan - 12/6/06 at 07:59 PM

Yep, I decided to do things a little differently

I'm using a Duratec V6 in standard tune (ish) with some Nitrous Oxide to make thing a bit more interesting. I ditched the standard water pump (they are prone to shattering I'm told ) and replaced it with the Davies Craig pump and controller. The pump runs although the engine doesn't yet - but it will soon

I'll have a fiddle with the brackets and see if I can gain some more height but I am almost certain I now need a 300mm wheel - the flat bottomed variety wouldn't make much difference to me as my knees are wide apart when I drive anyway and they touch the sides more than the bottom.

RichB - 13/6/06 at 11:41 AM

My missus bought me a momo team wheel (280 mm). It looks and feel really nice but I haven't fitted it yet so I can't advise on the clearance etc.
