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Gear lever / Hand brake surrounds carbon effect
r3nuf - 9/7/06 at 08:42 PM

Does anyone have any ideas where i can purchase gear lever and hand brake gaiter surrounds, in a carbon fibre effect.

I have looked all over. It would appear very easy to buy chrome or stainless finish.....but have had no luck with real or fake carbon fibre.

I did see a guy selling them at Newark this year, but stooooopidly didn't buy them there.



INDY BIRD - 9/7/06 at 08:47 PM

Europa spares do them.

in different sizes as well.

i think you can purchase online?

RichieC - 9/7/06 at 08:51 PM

Only seem to have ABS or chrome on their website

r3nuf - 9/7/06 at 08:54 PM

yep, had pulled out the Europa catalogue.....can only see leather grain texture finish abs.

any other ideas?


kev R1 - 9/7/06 at 08:56 PM

i think 'tifosi' do carbon ones i saw them at oulton and newark

r3nuf - 9/7/06 at 09:01 PM

They do! just found them on t'internet.

Will give them a ring tomorrow.

Many Thanks

blockhead_rich - 9/7/06 at 09:06 PM


Make your own, it's easy. If you pop over you can see mine. I'll even make them for you if you can get the material. I made the gear one from the piece I cut out of the dash where the steering column goes (very locost eh).


r3nuf - 9/7/06 at 09:13 PM

Thanks Rich! I reckon i will be after bigger favours than that over the next few months!

I will talk to tifosi tomorrow to check the dimensions of the ones they supply and take it from there.

INDY BIRD - 9/7/06 at 09:33 PM

page 129 of europa catalogue,

Carbon effect trim rings.

i have had them in the past are ok for the job.

r3nuf - 9/7/06 at 09:45 PM

Ah , i got to page 109 found the abs jobs then didn't look any further.

Will try them tomorrow too.

