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Seat belt lower mounts
pewe - 22/7/06 at 11:14 AM

Hi. can anyone tell me if bolting the lower mounts through 5mm thick fillets welded and tapped will pass SVA? Or do the bolts need to have a locknut behind them even if the plate is tapped? Can the lock nuts be tightened up using a lock washer or does the whole issue have to be by a nut welded onto the plate? If I sound confused I am!
Thanks in anticipation, Pewe

nick205 - 22/7/06 at 04:33 PM

Hi Pewe,

I don't think a tapped 5mm thick plate would suffice, even with a nut on the back.

This is how the MK mounts are fabricated with a threaded tube fully welded into a 4-
5mm thick plate, fully welded to the chassis tubes.


MK Indy harness fixing point
MK Indy harness fixing point

Chippy - 22/7/06 at 09:27 PM

Within the propshaft tunnel, because I had welded my retaining nuts on in the wrong place, (to high up). I redrilled the plates and fitted the seat belt anchorages with HT bolts, and nylock nuts. In the SVA manual it states that as long as you can get at the nuts and bolts, this is acceptable. In areas that you cant get to, then the nuts have to be welded on, as per the MK set up shown on previous post. ATB Ray.

pewe - 24/7/06 at 09:41 AM

Thanks guys. I can access the back of the plates (just) so reckon I'll use some self-locking nuts. These plus the tappings in the plate should be more than adequate in terms of safety and SVA. Cheers, Pewe