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VERY narrow grp shell seats....
Coose - 6/9/06 at 08:55 AM

Has anyone found a supplier of grp shell seats narrower than 370mm at the base other than kart seats? I have Striker no.6 that has the narrowest seat bases in history....

DarrenW - 6/9/06 at 09:29 AM

Just measured my Mac#1 seats. The actual base area where they bolt down might be just OK for you but the seats then widen to around 420 / 430 mm not far up. They look like the may be modifiable by cutting and then edging with U trim.

You are welcome to take a look sometime if you wish. Im at Bishop Auckland.

TimC - 6/9/06 at 11:12 AM


Isn't the striker 'normally' 390mm wide in the seat area?

Coose - 6/9/06 at 11:44 AM

Maybe so, but not mine! As I said, it's Striker no.6, one of 6 quite oddball ones before they became the 'standard' Striker!

cct7kitcars - 6/9/06 at 11:55 AM

i supply some at 380mm base

Coose - 6/9/06 at 12:04 PM

Is that 380mm maximum? Can you send me some pics and a price?

Humbug - 6/9/06 at 12:27 PM

Not bare shells, but I have just replaced my old seats so I am looking to get rid... may b of interest to you.

I just went and measured, and they are max 35-36cm wide on the base and for nearly 40cm up the back before the side "wings" go outwards.

They are fibreglass shells with permanent vinyl/foam coverings, low profile and not very bulky, as well as being narrow, but have a nice high under-thigh support.

In reasonable condition, with a few scuffs and small scrapes. The main downside is that the harness hole trims came loose, so are currently covered in black gaffer tape... I think I will take that off, clean them up and restick using PU. Also, there was a crack in the angle of one seat which I repaired with some resin and glass mat - no problems since.

Oh yes - they are also on modified Metro runners, so are adjustable.

If you are interested, email or U2U for some more pics or information. Rescued attachment Seat.JPG
Rescued attachment Seat.JPG

Coose - 6/9/06 at 12:30 PM

Thanks for that, but as my Stirker gets used in ALL weathers I want just shell seats as my current vinyl covered squabs are like big sponges....

Thanks again though!

StevieB - 6/9/06 at 04:23 PM

Marks going to drop around mine at some point to (hopefully) help me drop my car onto it's wheels for the first time (and he can push me around the street while I play race cars as well!)

I can chuck one of my MK seats into his truck for you to try for size? It's about 380mm across the widest oart at the base.

Coose - 6/9/06 at 04:26 PM

Ooooh, that'd be good! Cheers old chap....

StevieB - 6/9/06 at 04:29 PM

I'll have a word with him - I won't be needing it for a while (at my current build rate, I'll be fitting seat November 2012!)

Coose - 6/9/06 at 04:44 PM

Actually, I've just been and had a measure. It needs to be a max. of 340mm at the front of the seat!

I think I'm stuffed.....

StevieB - 6/9/06 at 04:52 PM

In that case, you might just have to make some new squabs - I can't imagine bucket seats any smaller than the ones I have being comfortable enough

iank - 6/9/06 at 05:04 PM

Sounds like time for a bin-bag and foam seat.

If you then take a mould from the foam in GRP you can make your own GRP waterproof seats.

Other alternative is some tillett kart seats, measurements on their website.

I noticed kissy has some in his car/photo archive which look pretty good.

pathfinder - 6/9/06 at 06:13 PM

I can’t remember where I saw it but I have seen Kart seats which have had the sides chopped to fit, they looked pretty good to be fair!

chrisf - 9/9/06 at 01:05 PM

I used kart seats. 17" at the widest--near the knee.

[Edited on 9/9/06 by chrisf] Rescued attachment DSCN0011.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCN0011.JPG

Coose - 9/9/06 at 02:26 PM

Cheers! Those are too wide for my Striker, but as Tillett do various sizes I should be able to get something. I ideally wanted some high-backs, but I may be out of luck....