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how to?
macspeedy - 30/5/03 at 06:51 PM

has anyone found a comprehensive site about car upholstery, as i'd prefer to do all the trimmming myself, my problem is the cover for the transmition tunnel i am trying to recreate a panneled effect like below, any help would be great! Rescued attachment c7rsv_3.jpg
Rescued attachment c7rsv_3.jpg

flyingkiwi - 30/5/03 at 09:45 PM

From what I can see from the pic, if its along the top of the tran tunnel, its look like the leather has been folded over several times (or have I just stated something obvious?? Damn cider)

From experience, work out the shape you want and add or remove foam to recreate the shape, pull it taught and using either a strong adhesive (bostic's great for this work) or, if using wood, staple gun the material down. To get the rib effect you might need to glue a fold into the material first then pull it slightly tighter than the rest.


MK9R - 2/6/03 at 02:06 PM

The handbrake looks like its come from Anne Summers

LoCostLancs - 2/6/03 at 02:28 PM

Not 'on' topic but what colour is that car?

Looks nice.

ned - 2/6/03 at 03:02 PM

mk9r, i think it's known as the 'shagasaurus'


Danozeman - 2/6/03 at 06:39 PM

ha ha ive seen that in anne summers but i think its pink or something

That looks like it may be a standard centre out of a little sports car...

Can you not get that sort of effect by stitching the shape in if you know what i mean.. It certainly looks a nice interior!! And nice seats

Peteff - 2/6/03 at 06:54 PM

Before anyone else says it.
Not 'on' topic but what colour is that car?
It's purple.
Old custom car books used to do articles on upholstery from time to time but it always involved sewing machines and stuff. All seems a bit girly. Stick with the paint and bare metal with scratches look, you can't go wrong.

yours, Pete.

macspeedy - 2/6/03 at 08:32 PM

a local car upholsterer has given me a good quote so i'll go with that

LoCostLancs - 2/6/03 at 09:19 PM

I know its purple!

Colour name?

macspeedy - 3/6/03 at 12:19 PM

no idea its a caterham, you could send the pic to them and they should beable to tell you. i can't even remember where i found it.

macspeedy - 3/6/03 at 12:35 PM

Jan Thompson

"The first Caterham SV to be featured in the 7 Gallery, is #2 off the production line and belongs to Jan Thompson. C7RSV has a 1.8 VVC with 6 speed box, anti cav tank and FIA roll bar once Caterham get round to fitting it! The cockpit shots give an idea of the 'extra' room available" Rescued attachment engine bay.jpg
Rescued attachment engine bay.jpg

macspeedy - 3/6/03 at 12:36 PM

and Rescued attachment front quater.jpg
Rescued attachment front quater.jpg

macspeedy - 3/6/03 at 12:37 PM

and Rescued attachment rear quater.jpg
Rescued attachment rear quater.jpg

Danozeman - 3/6/03 at 07:25 PM

I think i saw that at stoneleigh.. If not one very similar..

Considerably - 6/6/03 at 12:48 PM

It is known as "Caburys Purple" by Caterham .... but is in fact in the Sikkens "Special Effects" range.

Findlay234 - 6/6/03 at 12:54 PM

ahhhhh, youre back!!!! weve missed you

p.s. how the swimming pool coming on?

[Edited on 6/6/03 by Findlay234]

kingr - 6/6/03 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Findlay234
weve missed you

[Edited on 6/6/03 by Findlay234]

We have?

Informative post though, so thanks for that cons.


Considerably - 6/6/03 at 03:07 PM


ahhhhh, youre back

Never been away

tjh - 30/8/03 at 09:07 AM

I am trying to find someone to upholster my Disco in leather, can you let me know who did the work on your car.
email is

greggors84 - 30/8/03 at 03:43 PM

Rover do a colour very similar to that, not sure what it is called though

Spyderman - 30/8/03 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by macspeedy
a local car upholsterer has given me a good quote so i'll go with that

I was going to suggest a method of doing that upholstery, but as you are getting it done for you it will save me getting called "girly"!
