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Anyone used these seats?
gingerpaule - 13/11/06 at 11:51 AM

Hi all.

I was just browsing ebay looking at seats and came across these: />
They seem to offer great value for money. I was wondering if anyone had used them and what the quality is like. If anyone could shead some light on them I'd be grateful!



Humbug - 13/11/06 at 11:58 AM

Not seen these ones before. They look OK, but at 50cm they will be too wide for a lot of Sevens - the usual available width seems to be about 43cm...

If they fit, £125 + £20 P&P looks like a good price.

gingerpaule - 13/11/06 at 12:16 PM

Quite right. I'd wrongly read the mounting width as the width of the seat at the bottom and assumed that the maximum width was the shoulder support. No good for me then!

ch1ll1 - 13/11/06 at 12:45 PM

look like nice seats,
shame there too big