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So which GRP seats?
timex - 23/12/06 at 11:39 AM

So which seats do do think are best then, considerin comfort, price and looks??

ruskino80 - 23/12/06 at 11:43 AM


iceman26 - 23/12/06 at 11:46 AM

i have just got some of these very well made and are very comfortable.
People are very helpful would recomend

TimC - 23/12/06 at 11:53 AM

Mk with carbon inserts

zxrlocost - 23/12/06 at 12:21 PM

the kit car ones are all 90% made at the same place anyway

there all ok

UncleFista - 23/12/06 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx

GTS ones on comfort, quality & price, and it must be noted that they are NOTHING remotely similar to the cr*p that was commonly dredged out by Mr Bean.

Good luck getting parts from GTS.
Especially if you need to get in touch once they have your money

AFAIK the vast majority of Tritons customers were very happy with the products he made.

Can you please be a little clearer on the "cr*p that was commonly dredged out by Mr Bean" statement ?

I'm not calling you a liar, I just don't remember many complaints about Triton's work. Just one or two who were very vocal...

BenB - 23/12/06 at 01:39 PM

I know its stating the obvious but try sitting in them and see how they fit you. People's hip sizes and buttock shapes vary tremendously. What's nice and well fitted for one person is serious pain for someone else... If the seat is padded to the max there's a bit of give but GRP I'd be mighty careful, especially if buying on Ebay where the right to send stuff back is debatable....
I know I've got childbearing hips for a bloke but when I've tried to sit in some GRP seats, I could either only get in sideways (ie one buttock only) or I wouldn't be able to manage for more than about 5 minutes....

Tralfaz - 23/12/06 at 02:08 PM

You guys are very lucky to have so many choices, I can't find a similar seat here in the US that fits a seven,except from Caterham. Nobody in the UK want's to ship here, except maybe Fluke or MOG in Germany.(Not that I blame them really...)


BenB - 23/12/06 at 03:05 PM

Yes, but if you want to fit Kirkey ProDrag seats like I did, you're in a much better position
They're not expensive seats bought in the US but the postage on the puppies is terrible
I even looked at taking a trip to the states just to pick them up and put them in the hold as my luggage but they're oversize so back to crippling costs... Oh well...