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Dashboard Radii (again!)
The Doc - 27/12/06 at 08:31 PM

Anyone know the rules re radius for dash around instruments.

I plan on having a hard surfaced dash about 8mm thick. Is there an 'edge' radius requirement for this where cut out for instruments?

The instuments will be recessed, not with raised bezels

(I already know the nightmare regs re the bottom edge!)



the_fbi - 27/12/06 at 09:58 PM

There is a distance from the outside of the steering wheel, where you can have things sticking out as much as you like.

From memory, its 127mm but I'm sure I'll be corrected soon.

[Edited on 27/12/06 by the_fbi]

force10 - 28/12/06 at 08:35 AM

Near enough, think its 130mm but not 100% sure, best bet is to have as bigger wheel as possible for SVA.
130mm out from a standard Sierra wheel is damn near half the dash anyway.