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Mountney M Range - SVA Compliant?
adriane - 27/12/06 at 08:35 PM

Hi There
Does anyone know if the Mountney M Range steering wheel is SVA compliant. And if so do you know where I can get official information to prove so before I go for the test.

zxrlocost - 27/12/06 at 09:17 PM

cant remember the M range but if its got metal in the middle ie like a three spoke then NO

you need the padding

Simon - 27/12/06 at 10:50 PM

My SVA examiner failed my car because the steering wheel wasn't compatible with the rest of the column - presuming he meant the column and wheel are a previously type approved assembly.

Therefore, I'd leave the Sierra wheel on, then change after test. I changed mine while examiner was inside writing out my MAC



RazMan - 28/12/06 at 01:16 AM

You can get SVA pads for Mountney wheels. Europa sell them iirc. Alternatively try and find a Miata (import MX5) which have a pad fitted as standard.