my indy has similar seats i have found them very suportive and to be honest very comfy all though some people would disagree ! i suppose it depends what you want?
Hi James,
They look almost identical to mine which I bought from MK Sportscars. Their seats are a near (very near) copy of some other seats whose origin I
can't rememer, and these look identical (look at my pics in archive, although I have modified mine with carbon fibre).
As far as im concerned they are very confortable, I am approx 6 feet tall and 12.5 stone if that helps. Ask anyone on the MK section as many have
They look like a copy of the the seats Tillett make for Caterham. I can't rate these but I can rate Steve Tillett's products, top notch, cars or karting they are not the cheapest but possibly the best, and extremely well made in terms of crash-worthiness (minimal splintering)
I've got a pair of these in my Indy, not good for shall we say those who like a pie or 4, very narrow around the derrier but really
They should come with M8/10 (cant remember the size) fittings embedded in the seat frame for fitting quick and easy.
Also they are untrimmed so you'll need c8 metres of U section.
Very popular MK sourced seats probably or a close copy. Which were a copy of the Tillet Chaterham seats as far as I could tell. I did have a pair for my Striker but no way would one fit in the passenger side (strikers don't have parallel chassis rails like most kit cars). The drivers side just a bout fits. Anyway they are a good comfortable supportive design. You do need to use all 4 mounting points on the base or the whole seat can twist.
Originally posted by auzziejim
seem a reasonable price but just wondering if anyone here has bought any? if so what are thay like?
I see you are in Sleaford so if you want to check them out you are welcome to pop down sometime
cheers Ian
Just to say I'm still impressed and the guy is getting other good feedback
still impressed !!!
Originally posted by Kissy
They look like a copy of the the seats Tillett make for Caterham. I can't rate these but I can rate Steve Tillett's products, top notch, cars or karting they are not the cheapest but possibly the best, and extremely well made in terms of crash-worthiness (minimal splintering)