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Alluminum Stalks
darrens - 27/1/07 at 08:33 PM

Where does one get your sierra stalks retrofitted with the alluminum replacements.


mistergrumpy - 27/1/07 at 08:43 PM

[url=]Here[/ url]

[Edited on 27/1/07 by mistergrumpy]

darrens - 27/1/07 at 08:44 PM

just spotted them, tad expensive tho.

Howlor - 27/1/07 at 09:24 PM

They are very easy to make actually. Firstly get some 12mm aluminium bar cut it to the desired length. Then round off the end ideally in a lathe but it can be done in a power drill. Then drill I think it is a 3mm hole in the one end about 20mm deep.

Cut the stalk off the original sierra switch. It leaves a 3mm hole in the centre. Find an old drill bit that will be an interference fit into this hole and thread lock it in. Then push the aluminium stalk over and threadlock it on.

Bingo. I have done a couple and they work a treat!

cossiebri - 28/1/07 at 10:41 AM

Methinks i'll have a go at this..
deff locost !

Steve Lovelock - 28/1/07 at 05:59 PM

Yep, me too, sounds simple and will look very effective as I can't stand the Ford units. I had been thinking of buying a set but couldn't part with the money so this is great. Just got to get some 12mm ali pipe....

ayoungman - 28/1/07 at 10:53 PM

buy a couple of these cheap craft knives. You get a nice bit of fancy detailing. Rescued attachment images.jpg
Rescued attachment images.jpg

darrens - 29/1/07 at 05:55 PM

me thinks, I will also have ago.


ps where's good to buy aluminum rods from, I also need some about 30mm dia (different project)

[Edited on 29/1/07 by darrens]

[Edited on 29/1/07 by darrens]

davrus - 1/2/07 at 07:28 PM

yes i will have a go aswell !

caber - 1/2/07 at 07:47 PM

So there's going to be a bunch of wanted ads for Sierra stalks after next wekend, i think I'll take a trip down the scrappy


Gav - 1/2/07 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by darrens
me thinks, I will also have ago.


ps where's good to buy aluminum rods from, I also need some about 30mm dia (different project)

I usually buy small lengths off ebay, not cheap but i dont want/need 6m lengths from a local supplier!

This chap i have always found reliable.