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Two questions if I may
darrens - 5/2/07 at 05:28 PM

Where's the best place to get a steering wheel from and what size do people recommed.

Thinking about the savage switches, does the LED illumination light when pressed. Thinking of wanting these to light dimly when lights are on, so prob best stickin a resistor across.

RazMan - 5/2/07 at 05:44 PM

The Savage switches have led lighting which can be independently controlled if required. I find them too bright at night so I will be putting a dimmer circuit in when I get time.

coozer - 5/2/07 at 07:06 PM

Use the standard Sierra one to get you through SVA. It makes more of the dash exempt from the radius test

DarrenW - 6/2/07 at 12:25 PM

Savage switches are well bright at night. Dimmer is good (anyone know how to do that?).

Std Sierra wheel for test. Ive since fitted a 13" SWM wheel. Its about as large as you would want to go but works good for me. I used it cos i got it free along with snap off kit.

auzziejim - 6/2/07 at 12:45 PM

im currently looking for a wheel too, i cut some cardboard circles to see what size suited me. i think a 300mm wheel is about right. im currently deliberating over a snap off boss but the good ones all seem quite pricey.

there doesnt seem to be many wheels in the right size (280-300mm) so choice seems to be limited (i cannot find a nice suede rimmed dished face wheel similar to the omp corsica as thats 350 )


RazMan - 6/2/07 at 02:48 PM

I find that anything smaller than 320mm is quite heavy to use on a car without power steering (even a seven) - worth a thought

auzziejim - 6/2/07 at 03:37 PM

ah now then that could not be tested with my cardboard circles many thanks raz man.

however with my car being specifically for the track problems with parking and such and not really a problem but maybe it would be easier to find a corsica/rally style wheel in a 320mm size

and then once a quickrack is fitted low speed corners wont be such an issue

chockymonster - 6/2/07 at 04:49 PM

I've got an OMP SuperQuadro, perfect size, flat bottom.