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Seats bolted straight on the floor
Mr Whippy - 29/3/07 at 07:22 PM

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question. For an MOT test is it alright to bolt the seat onto the floor with no adjustment as I am the only one that drives this car and I like the seats as low as possible. Any one know????


nitram38 - 29/3/07 at 07:24 PM

No problem with that!
Its when they aren't bolted down you are knackered!

Mr Whippy - 29/3/07 at 07:31 PM

It's just that I notice that for the SVA they need to be adjustable so I wondered if they had changed the rules for the MOT aswell. Thanks.

roadrunner - 29/3/07 at 07:40 PM

Mine are bolted straight to the floor, had no problems with SVA or MOT, seats should'nt have to be adjustable to pass a test.

mad dad - 29/3/07 at 08:02 PM

quick (silly??) question...when you are bolting through the floor do you use flat bar or something top and underside and bolt through or is the floor strong enough without any additional strengthning??? thx

Humbug - 29/3/07 at 08:04 PM

They don't need to be adjustable for SVA

jos - 29/3/07 at 08:05 PM

theres nothing in the sva test that says that the seats have to be adjustable.

my seats aren't adjustable. i'm 6'2" and my sva tester was 5'2". he did have a little difficulty reaching the pedals but managed it in the end

roadrunner - 29/3/07 at 08:07 PM

My chassis is a slightly older one, it has a steel floor welded in, i have'nt had any issues with it so far.

shortie - 29/3/07 at 08:12 PM

Seats do not have to be adjustable for SVA.

If bolting straight to an ali floor than I suggest using some kind of spreader plates but basically if you seat rips out the floor then you're harnesses have also ripped out and you're most likely brown bread by that point!!


nitram38 - 29/3/07 at 08:42 PM

I don't have a front seat in my car at all!
My chassis is the seat frame!


[Edited on 29/3/2007 by nitram38]

BenB - 29/3/07 at 09:09 PM

Yup. No adjustablility needed for SVA or MOT. I used a aliminium floor so needed big washers under the bolts to spread the load (fail point on my SVA when I'd just used normal washers)....

Mr Whippy - 29/3/07 at 09:56 PM

oh where did I get that idea from then!???

Well thats good news indeed. Thanks very much.

p.s cool pic above, just love that car, you should make them as a kit

02GF74 - 30/3/07 at 08:52 AM

not need to be adjustable. some have cushion/bench seats stuck onto the floor and back panel.

Use penny washers on both sides - floor and seat. To stop bolt head biting your bum, use button head screws or coach bolts.

since my chssis cross rails are under my seat, rather than drill them, I use squre box ali brom B&Q - exactly same size as rails as spacer and drilled trhough floor - much easier and doesn't weaken rails.

MikeRJ - 30/3/07 at 03:13 PM

Personaly there is no way I would trust a pop riveted alloy floor to support the entire weight of the driver and passenger. I'm welding in a couple of pieces of RHS to the Striker frame to support my seats

RoadkillUK - 30/3/07 at 06:06 PM

We had our seats bolted to the welded steel floor of the car and with the 2 of us it's warped badly enough for us to weld in some bars across to fasten the seats to.

So IMO and experience I'd put in some bars. HTH