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slim Jim - 9/4/07 at 07:51 PM

I am after some trim with a similar profile to that in the pic below. I want to run it round the edge of my dash between the dashboard and the scuttle (the dash board fits behind the scuttle) as I have a few chips in the scuttle where I cut it and want to cover them up.

Any ideas where I can get something like this from?


stevebubs - 9/4/07 at 08:01 PM


stevebubs - 9/4/07 at 08:02 PM

here you go

SKU R123

slim Jim - 9/4/07 at 08:57 PM

This is the type of stuff I am after but I want something with a smaller bead - probaby 5mm or less. I think this would be a bit chunky on my dash.

Thanks for the help though - will call Woolies tomorow and see if they do anything smaller.

andrew.carwithen - 9/4/07 at 09:12 PM

Do a search on ebay under 'tadpole trim' It'll pull up stuff being sold by Robin hood. It has 6mm dia solid bead.
Probably find that woolies do it anyway, but at least it gives a pic of what it looks like. (i'd do a link, if I knew how.)
