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diy carbon fibre
oadamo - 27/5/07 at 09:26 PM

anyone no where or if you can get carbon fibre that you can do yourself. i want to do a mould of a bonnet and a dash
thanks adam

Thinking about it - 27/5/07 at 09:30 PM

oadamo - 27/5/07 at 09:40 PM

as anyone had a go at doing moulds with it

thanks thinking about it

[Edited on 27/5/07 by oadamo]

rick q - 27/5/07 at 11:29 PM

Have a look at

Clever lad

02GF74 - 29/5/07 at 07:40 AM

CFS sell carbon fibre as well as kevlar mat.

chunkytfg - 29/5/07 at 08:09 AM


Is a very useful linmk explaining in detail the process of making C/F bits including the mould making process.

It's a long read a very 'american' but forgive them and just read the bits you need