Waht is the best alignment position for the clutch, brake and acceletor pedal pads?
My thoughts are the clutch does not matter too mcuh since it is used by left foot and assuming no left foot braking, then accelerator should stick out
a bit further then the brake so that even with the accelerator pressed dwon a bit, the right foot can be slid across to be able to push the brake.
mine are set with the brake higher than the accelerator so that the throttle can be blipped whilst brakeing (heel/toe) or in my case (ball of foot/
side of foot) on down shifts.
Originally posted by bigrich
mine are set with the brake higher than the accelerator so that the throttle can be blipped whilst brakeing (heel/toe) or in my case (ball of foot/ side of foot) on down shifts.
My accelerator is set lower then brake and clutch ,and is only about about 25mm wide the brake and clutch are about 55mm square, so you dont miss the
You could even have the clutch narrower and a larger brake pedal.
Yes you dfinately want the brake pedal to be a little higher than the accelerator - for one it makes it easier to hit the right pedal in an emergency,
but second it means that when you are braking you should be about level with the accelerator to heel/toe should you wish.
Remember that without a brake servo there'll be a fair bit of travel before you get any braking force, so if brake isn't high enough then
you won't be able to blip the throttle.
if you drive on the correct side of the road
clutch on the left, brake in the middle, throttle on right.
however nothing to stop you changing them around would make the sva test interesting.
Originally posted by Aboardman
if you drive on the correct side of the road
clutch on the left, brake in the middle, throttle on right.
however nothing to stop you changing them around would make the sva test interesting.