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Seating spec and SVA question
Browser - 28/8/03 at 05:14 PM

What has everyone used re seating? I jumped (idiot that I am) at the idea of using Bedford Midi/Rascal van seats after seeing a bloke who lives near me had fitted them to his Formula 27. Now I'm leaning more towards the idea used by several people and done very well by Mr Dave Ashurst (bachelor of this Forum) who used a nicely upholstered rear seat with centre armrest removed and some judicious remodelling, to produce a very nice looking and reportedly comfortable posterior perch. Has anyone else gone the Midi van route? Or the remodelled production car rear seat route? Can anyone suggest some pros & cons with either option?
SVA question. In line with the above, I can remember reading/seeing somewhere that the drivers seat has to be fore-and-aft adjustable to pass SVA. Is this total cobblers? Can it be supplanted by an adjustable pedal box? ANy help with these issues would be well appreciated.

David Jenkins - 28/8/03 at 06:51 PM

There is NO requirement for the driver's seat to be adjustable. In fact, making it non-adjustable makes for an easier SVA - all you have to worry about is whether it's firmly mounted.

It's understandable that the SVA manual seems to require adjustable seats, 'cos that's all it talks about - locking adjustment mechanisms, and so on. Fixed seats are covered by the general requirements for firm attachment to the vehicle's structure.



[Edited on 28/8/03 by David Jenkins]

JoelP - 28/8/03 at 09:20 PM

i just used sports seats from hals fords. Bit expensive and i dont have a passenger seat yet! but easy for adjustment and getting the harness in (if i ever get one).