I have tried the search but to no avail .
I have started to re-trim my locost as it was tired & in a bad way.
All was going well untill today & the direct sunlight, The black leatherette style trim that i stuck down using Evo-Stick spray on contact
adhesive has started to lift !!
Which brand /make does everybody on here use ??
I used evo-stick impact adhesive really good stuff apply to both surfaces itgoes dry then as soon as the suraces touch they grab and theres not moving
IIRC its £10 from buildbase but im sure travis perkins ect sell it as well
To stick vinyl to plywood I used Evostick Time Bond.
It allows you to peel back and stretch a bit more to remove corner creases and around instrument holes etc.
So far so good.
Paul G
There are two types of Evo-stik.
Make sure you use the environmentally unfriendly version with lots of nasty solvents - much better than the namby pamby tree hugger version
Yup. You definately want the solvent version rather than the solvent-free version. The solvent free evostick is rubbish. I used it on my tunnel top and the first time it rained it all lifted.... Grrrrr....
stick it on, wrap it round the edges and staple it down
Second vote for time-bond... smells great (if you like that sort of thing!) and sticks really well after an initial short jiggling about time!
B+Q sell it, but its kept locked away so you have to ask for it.
In my local B+Q they have an empty tin which you have to take to the front and get a full one.... Same with the proper contact adhesives and
solvents. Of course there's no sign to tell you this.
I went to get some solvents and found the empty tin- thought someone had snorted the contents and put the tin back!!!
Only worked it out a few days later!!! In my defense I'd like to point out that it was a Sunday (brain's day of rest)....