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Which seat runners
Catpuss - 14/8/07 at 08:21 PM

I'm now at the experimenting with seats stage. I've got some marine ply to make the seats with.

What I need to know about now is what seat runners are best to use, or even better if anyone has some for sale

I've seen mentions of Rover Metro, would those go in with little modification?

RichardK - 14/8/07 at 08:58 PM

I've used metro ones, dead easy to mod.

Let me know if you need diamensions/ pictures as they are just hanging around the garage somewhere.


Avoneer - 14/8/07 at 09:00 PM

dirty130 - 14/8/07 at 10:37 PM

Hello, for seats runners i used 1" x 1/4 uni strut and welded it to the chassis then made plates for the back holes which are bolted in using zebs and used zebs for the fronts holes. the seats i have are GRP ones.

gingerprince - 15/8/07 at 07:36 AM

don't use seat runners just bolt the seat where it's perfect for you. that way you've got a good excuse to not let someone else have a drive and bin it

seriously though i have no seat runners, but that's because it's the only way I could get the seat low enough to get my legs under the steering wheel with clearance! (i'm a lanky bugger).

David Jenkins - 15/8/07 at 07:56 AM

How much height do the Metro runners add to the seat?

(not really trying to hijack the thread!!! )

RichardK - 15/8/07 at 10:09 PM



Mark. - 16/8/07 at 07:51 PM

Landrover or metro seat runners have been used on my seats.
My lad has dusted off the moulds,cleaned them up and spent the last month or so making seats.
