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MK 2 Escort Pedal Rubbers Where?
The Doc - 20/8/07 at 06:27 AM

MK 2 Escort Pedals - Where can we get new or good SH pedal rubbers?

Do we need a rubber on the throttle pedal or can that stay shiny?

worX - 20/8/07 at 09:48 AM

In spite of thinking it should be NON grippy on the Accel. pedal, I was told it needs to be all three that need to have a non-slip coating to it.

Obviously my Accel pedal one fell off in the carpark afterwards...

Sorry, no help on the Ford rubbers though - I used griptape.


David Jenkins - 20/8/07 at 09:52 AM

Got mine from the local Ford dealership - but that was 4 or 5 years ago.

robinj66 - 20/8/07 at 10:04 AM

try here ViewItem
or here wItem
or here ViewItem
