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U or j bolts
dan__wright - 18/10/07 at 09:56 AM

Does anyone know where i can get approx 10 (will that be enough to hold dash in?) u or j bolts or does anyone have any other clever ways of mounting the dash? i will be using M6 *1 cap head bolts and dont want to have to get behind the dash to undo / tighten them.

Bluemoon - 18/10/07 at 09:59 AM

I seem to remember someone selling what looked like a flanged nut with double sided foam sticky pads on the back.. I guess a leather punch would be all you need to make ten up... Something like that might to the trick? The sticky pad only needs to hold the nut and stop it spinning...


Avoneer - 18/10/07 at 11:25 AM

Riv nuts of the scuttle flange?


dan__wright - 18/10/07 at 11:32 AM

i did wander about that, will the scuttle be strong enough for that? also i dont have a rivnut gun but hey.

im looking at holding the L shaped part of the scuttle on by tapping holes into the chassis and using that, has anyone done this and does it work okay?

scudderfish - 18/10/07 at 11:39 AM

Depending on your dash material, these may be of use

Macbeast - 18/10/07 at 05:11 PM

I'm planning to use 4mm rivnuts with suitable washers to spread load on the fibreglass scuttle

jacko - 18/10/07 at 05:15 PM

use rivnuts or weld nuts to a small bit of metal. put them behind the fiberglass and pop rivet them on to it drill holes in line with the nuts for your cap head bolts

another_dom - 18/10/07 at 05:42 PM

If you use caged aero (K) nuts it will allow a degree of misalignment (which rivnuts wont). Of course, if your holes always line up it won't be an issue!


02GF74 - 23/10/07 at 09:18 AM

scuttles I believe come with a facewit hte dash, and some perhaps don't.

mine hasn't so I grip stiked (is that a verb?) small aluminium tabs, folled by fibreglassing over with strips, with a rivert nut. 13 in all and then used 4 mm button heads to keep dash in place.

only been in place for 3 days so time will tell how robust it is - seems pretty sturdy.

dan__wright - 23/10/07 at 09:20 AM

i found some in the end at not too bad a price (will post link up) but i need a few more as its not as solid as i would like it to be.