Afternoon all
If using aerosol spray glue with vinyl, once the material is folded around the back of the item being covered is the glue strong enough for the vinyl
to stay put or does it need clamping some how.
Also would the item (say a dash) need doing in one go or can it be worked over a couple of goes to allow corners to dry properly etc.
I have never found a spray glue (or any otherm come to tht) that would actually stick final permanently...
I used evostik - blue tin from B&Q. I ad to trim dash off so hadto pull the flaps off and boy, was it hard work!!
The cloth backing parted from the vinyl if you know what I mean but it stuck back on ok and wouldn't have mattered as it is on the reverse
So yeah, that stuff works.
brush coat onto the vinyl and same on the the metal the stick. you can peel it off before it dries and there shouldnlt be need for clamping if your
end flaps are long enough,
make sure there are no bits trapped as they will appear as lumps, most annoying.
Spray contact adhesive should do it, make sure you spray the vinyl AND the surface you stick it to. (don't inhale it)
The recommended method of using Evostik, is to coat both surfaces to be joined and leave for 10-15 mins (depending on atmospheric temperature of work
area) until it feels dry but tacky. Then carefully join the two surfaces. It will 'grab' instantly and stick firm until doomsday.
If you just coat the surfaces and try to join them immediately it will move. HTH.
I used EvoStick brush on contact adhesive*. Key smooth surfaces first, brush on, when dry to the tuch stick it down and if need be use a bit of heat
to move it around. Folded flaps of more than a few mm will stick and hold fine.
*there must be something better though, it's so messy and 'grabby'.
Don't use too much glue on the PVC though, the solvent attacks it.
I used red tin evo stick, aerosol contact adhesive is ok on the flat but never sticks round edges in my experience.
I used spray glue and staples on my dash.
Spray adhesive and staples worked for me as well.
I used Bison TIX. Should put glue on both the objects. Worked fine for me.