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fitting seat edgeing
mkblade - 3/1/08 at 07:44 PM

hi all
i have purchased a pair of mk seats fibreglass and i have a load of the rubber trim that fits into the edgeing of the seat to finish the look off.

trouble is seems the fireglass lip of the seats are too fat to fit in the rubber trim,ive tried sanding the edges a bit so not as thick still not much joy is there a knack to doing this job i dont want to risk breaking the lip on the seats


twybrow - 3/1/08 at 07:49 PM

Do they come with this trim or have you bought/used something sourced elsewhere? Can you not get it on anywhere?

Mr Whippy - 4/1/08 at 12:11 AM

it may be the cold, heat up the edging with a hot air gun or do it in the house. I did this to my mk seats while watching the telly with the smallest edging I could get and it went on fine.

Also make very comfy chairs to watch the telly in

indykid - 4/1/08 at 06:42 AM

a firm tap with a bit bit of rounded off 2x4 or a rubber mallet also helps on the fatter bits.
