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New steering wheel advice needed
chrsgrain - 12/1/08 at 06:48 PM

Hi all...

Passed SVA, all extraneous bits have now fallen off... but the Sierra steering wheel is making the thing look a bit rubbish!

Any suggestions for a cheapish replacement wheel with a central horn push?? Demon thieves etc are v expensive, and theres too much choice!



Confused but excited. - 12/1/08 at 07:28 PM

I got a brand new 12" Mountney for £12 off the bay. HTH

RazMan - 12/1/08 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
I got a brand new 12" Mountney for £12 off the bay. HTH

Me too - 12" is enough too

The Great Fandango - 13/1/08 at 12:13 AM

There's a good dash board designer at Westfield World. It has a few suggestions for steering wheels.

Dash Designer

Momo, OMP, and Sparco seem to be the choice of the serious enthusiast but as you mention you're looking at £90-£160 for a decent wheel.

In my opinion there isn't a finer looking wheel than the Momo 'Jet'. Alas, the smallest size for this model is 320mm which isn't as small as most kit car owners want.

Halfords do some pretty good looking (& cheap) ripspeed ones at the moment. Westfield were using one of the ripspeed models in their demonstrator car.

NB: Don't make the same mistake I did and buy a wheel which isn't (i) a complete circle or (ii) non-circular. They're just plain dangerous.

[Edited on 13/1/08 by The Great Fandango]

worX - 13/1/08 at 06:20 AM

I've just bought a Momo wheel off ebay, I think it was £26 and that includes the centre pad!
I've also moved down from 12" to 10&3/4" and it's much nicer...
