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Sidepod Storage in the Phoenix
John Bonnett - 31/1/08 at 12:52 PM

With a couple of trips to france planned this year in the Phoenix my thoughts turned to luggage space. The nearside side pod has a large volume of nothingness so is ideal for conversion to a lockable locker. This was easily achieved by making up stop ends to close off the pod, cutting an aperture and making a lid. I used a piano hinge and briefcase lid stays which hold it open nicely.

Very many thanks to Paul (Notts) for pointing me in the right direction for the lock. This came from Europa and is just right for the job.

The locker won't hold everything but I planning a stainless steel luggage rack that will be attached to the roll cage.


Mr Whippy - 31/1/08 at 12:54 PM

novacaine - 31/1/08 at 12:54 PM


speedyxjs - 31/1/08 at 12:55 PM

Good idea

stevebubs - 31/1/08 at 03:10 PM

nice alterative to the usual solution of holding the pod on using Dzus fasteners

adithorp - 31/1/08 at 05:17 PM

Would you believe that I've just been stood looking at my "spare" sill wondering how to do this on my fury?

I think I'm going to fabricate a shaped box that will drop in leaving a gap around it though but might revert to your method if I can't be arsed with the extra work. I was going to do one in the car (...and a cup holder) and another under the bonnet.

The gap is so that air can still pass out that way from the engine bay once I put the undertrays on. That should help keep my coffee hot!


jimgiblett - 31/1/08 at 06:43 PM

As usual a nice piece of work John.

Roll bar rack next?

I think the max I had in my Phoenix sidepod was:-

A petrol can
A brolly
A fold up chair
A car cover
2 Sleeping Bags
A waterproof one piece suit

Mine was just stuffed from the front with a thick piece of plastic sheet gaffered to keep the water out.

My fury pod looks quite a bit narrower so roll bar rack this time.

- Jim

John Bonnett - 31/1/08 at 07:58 PM

Thank you all for your replies and encouragement.

Adrian, I too pondered dropping in a box which would certainly have been waterproof but I felt there would be less space than the way I have done it. I've done my best to seal the sidepod against leaks but we shall see how successful I've been.

Jim, how on earth could you pack all that lot into such a small space. I'm amazed!!
Yes, the luggage rack is next. U bolts around the roll cage attaching the stainless steel frame. With a decent size case on the back it should reduce the buffeting round the back of the neck- yes maybe. Wishful thinking!


adithorp - 31/1/08 at 08:11 PM

My problem is I was stood figuring out a problem that I've not got to yet when I should have been doing something else!


John Bonnett - 31/1/08 at 09:04 PM

quote: My problem is I was stood figuring out a problem that I've not got to yet when I should have been doing something else!

Probably time for a break

adithorp - 1/2/08 at 07:23 PM

"Probably time for a break..."

Well thats why I'm on the computer. Currently waiting for contact glue to go off which is a good excuse for a brew up.

Having thought about the storage box I'm going to follow your lead and blank off the sill ends. Also I'll put a divider in the middle and have one small compartment in the car and a longer one under the bonnet.

Glue should be ready now then its home for tea before I get any higher on this stuff!
