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What size of steering wheel 4 MK Indy
mangogroove - 22/10/03 at 01:55 PM


What size do you boys think the tiller on my Indy should be? Want to ask santa 4 one.

theconrodkid - 22/10/03 at 02:34 PM

as small as you can get as the rack is tooooooooooooooooooooooo slow for the rest of the car

Peteff - 22/10/03 at 03:57 PM

A small wheel doesn't make the steering any faster. It may be best to wait till you get your wheels and tyres and then see how hard it is to turn with fat tyres on at low speed. It may influence your final decision.

yours, Pete.

StuartA - 23/10/03 at 11:17 AM

Also worth waiting until after SVA as donor steering wheel probably covers up lots of those life threatening bumps on the dash

mad4x4 - 23/10/03 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by StuartA
Also worth waiting until after SVA as donor steering wheel probably covers up lots of those life threatening bumps on the dash

Good Call that thought would have slip through the net.

greggors84 - 24/10/03 at 01:13 PM

Ive been looking at a 330mm one, this seems a fairly decent size, dont want it too big that it feels like im driving a bus, but also not too small that it is hard work at low speeds. Not that i will be doing any low speeds of course!

Hellfire - 1/11/03 at 11:04 PM

at 330mm it makes it very nearly the same size at standard Sierra. Has anyone noticed how close this diameter is to the side panel vert? Or is this just me.

I wouldn't want the front wheels/tyres to miss the cyclist only to catch him with the steering wheel seems a shame to damage a steering wheel!

greggors84 - 2/11/03 at 02:46 AM

Are you sure the sierra one is 330mm? The one i had seems huge, compared to that! I though 330mm would be a nice size, just large enough to make the low speed steering easier, i dont want one the size of a sierra one though. I would measure mine, but i havent got it with me.

Does anyone else know the width of their sierra one, just wondereing if they all are 330mm
