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small bottom dash radius
jabbahutt - 6/2/08 at 07:45 AM

Morning all

I'm still struggling trying to find a suitable trim to allow me to have the smaller 5mm padded radius on the bottom of my dash.

I've tried a couple of trim types now including the neoprene D section and both have felt either too soft and I can feel the dash when pressing on it or it feels far too hard and doesn't seem to have any give.
I need the solution to attach to the bottom edge only really as if it goes around the rear of the dash for instance I've tried split rubber hose then it fouls up being able to attach it to the scuttle at the bottom outside edges (if that makes sense)

The dash is made from 8mm MDF and I intend to cover it with vinyl.

So if anyone who has successfully used the small padded 5mm solution care to pass on what trim or solution they used that didn't involve rubber hose I'd be really grateful.

Thanks all

Mr Whippy - 6/2/08 at 08:29 AM

you know that foam pipe lagging, the gray expanded stuff with the split down the middle? it's carves very well with course sand paper and is lovely and spongy, easily to glue also.

ReMan - 6/2/08 at 10:06 AM

Camping mat worked for me... Rescued attachment 179_7926s.jpg
Rescued attachment 179_7926s.jpg

02GF74 - 6/2/08 at 10:38 AM

mdf board? Mine was ply so I thinnned down the lower edge and attached using PU some U shaped trim from wollies, whcih passed. Rescued attachment trim.JPG
Rescued attachment trim.JPG

jabbahutt - 6/2/08 at 11:04 AM

thanks for those ideas, don't suppose you know what the part no for the woolies rubber extrusion was do you?
