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aluminium sheet
Stuart_B - 25/2/08 at 07:47 PM

hi, where can i get aluminium sheet to do the interior panels in??

thank you


donut - 25/2/08 at 07:47 PM

Where are you?

Stuart_B - 25/2/08 at 07:49 PM

sorry forgot to say, clacton

chris taylor - 25/2/08 at 07:56 PM

Droitwitch Aluminium, on Ebay, excellent price and quick delivery,


Stuart_B - 25/2/08 at 07:59 PM

is that a shop name?

Guinness - 25/2/08 at 08:06 PM

StevieB - 25/2/08 at 08:08 PM

I've bought all my ali sheet from Aluminium Droitwich - they get my vote!

Stuart_B - 25/2/08 at 08:12 PM

did you do the back in 2 bits?

Chippy - 25/2/08 at 11:05 PM

Not exactly cheap though are they, got all mine from a local stock holder at roughly half the prices quoted on Alu. Droitwich. Try yellow pages for local firms, should be able to do better than that. Cheers Ray

Ian D - 26/2/08 at 09:34 AM

I got my sheet form a local ally stockist. Cost £15 for a 2x1 metre sheet. Only problem was getting it home.


iank - 26/2/08 at 09:37 AM

Got my aluminium from Aalco. Very happy with the service I received.

Stuart_B - 26/2/08 at 04:06 PM

i went through the yellow pages there is no one locally to me. would Droitwich do a deal if i buy more than one piece??

Taz Surfleet - 29/2/08 at 08:08 PM

Got mine from Aalco too, 3 sheets of 8 x4 fer £50. Aalco's head office is in the Midlands with local branches everywhere, so id be very suprised if they cant deliver to you !

Schrodinger - 1/3/08 at 02:12 PM

Try one of these
There was no stockist in my area but found somebody who did sheet work and got the sheet from them.

Stuart_B - 1/3/08 at 04:01 PM

thanks for the link, never throught about yell, i will see if i can phone a couple of them up monday.
