hi, where can i get aluminium sheet to do the interior panels in??
thank you
Where are you?
sorry forgot to say, clacton
Droitwitch Aluminium, on Ebay, excellent price and quick delivery,
is that a shop name?
I've bought all my ali sheet from Aluminium Droitwich - they get my vote!
did you do the back in 2 bits?
Not exactly cheap though are they, got all mine from a local stock holder at roughly half the prices quoted on Alu. Droitwich. Try yellow pages for local firms, should be able to do better than that. Cheers Ray
I got my sheet form a local ally stockist. Cost £15 for a 2x1 metre sheet. Only problem was getting it home.
Got my aluminium from Aalco. Very happy with the service I received.
i went through the yellow pages there is no one locally to me. would Droitwich do a deal if i buy more than one piece??
Got mine from Aalco too, 3 sheets of 8 x4 fer £50. Aalco's head office is in the Midlands with local branches everywhere, so id be very suprised if they cant deliver to you !
Try one of these
There was no stockist in my area but found somebody who did sheet work and got the sheet from them.
thanks for the link, never throught about yell, i will see if i can phone a couple of them up monday.