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Oil cooler as heater?
Humbug - 29/2/08 at 05:54 PM

Could you use something like this as a cockpit radiator?

I was thinking: plumb in to the cooling system, have a sliding louvre vent from the bonnet area to the cockpit with this behind it.

PS I'm not actually planning to do it, just counting down to knocking-off time on a Friday!

[Edited on 29/2/08 by Humbug]

SeaBass - 29/2/08 at 05:59 PM

Why not??

gregs - 29/2/08 at 06:01 PM

no reason why not, but you'll get a heater matrix a lot cheaper....

BenB - 29/2/08 at 06:15 PM

That's exactly what I'm doing. In my case I'm making a little GRP box to surround the oil cooler with a centrifugal blower (from a Porsche 911 no less) as the ooomph.... The oil cooler gets hot water from the coolant circuit (controlled by a heater tap). Jobs a good'un.

blakep82 - 29/2/08 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by gregs
no reason why not, but you'll get a heater matrix a lot cheaper....

then how about a heater matrix as an oil cooler? lol

Canada EH! - 29/2/08 at 06:23 PM

Many years ago a friend had a 2 stroke DKW, it was one of the warmest cars I ever rode in, the radiator was mounted in the firewall so all the engine heat could be directed into the interior.

Confused but excited. - 29/2/08 at 07:06 PM

Including the flames?

trextr7monkey - 29/2/08 at 10:25 PM

(and presumably as fire proof)
as the Rocky Mountains those Canadian boys!

C10CoryM - 1/3/08 at 02:41 AM

Originally posted by trextr7monkey
(and presumably as fire proof)
as the Rocky Mountains those Canadian boys!

It's our diet of donuts, beer and hockey

RK - 1/3/08 at 02:54 PM

Does anyone feel like coming over and shovelling my driveway? In the 9 years I've been in this awful place (previously in a rainy place surrounded by water and mountains, off to the left of me), this is the worst year yet.