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84 Celica seat runners do fit Triton seats
RK - 2/3/08 at 12:21 AM

84 Toyota Celica seat runners will easily fit the Triton seats with little modification (grinding and drilling). Just wanted to pass this on.

This is actually very exciting because I cannot work on my car much due to garage space being taken by our daily drivers. And yes, it snowed again today. No gym necessary...

Mr Whippy - 2/3/08 at 12:44 AM

can't you just mount the seats directly to the floor, if it's yourself that will just be driving it?

Triton - 2/3/08 at 01:16 AM

Originally posted by RK
84 Toyota Celica seat runners will easily fit the Triton seats with little modification (grinding and drilling). Just wanted to pass this on.

This is actually very exciting because I cannot work on my car much due to garage space being taken by our daily drivers. And yes, it snowed again today. No gym necessary...

Cheers RK...and no snow here in Cornwall in fact it was sunny and I had the doors open...
And yes twit is still up...working but on pc this time not grp

RK - 2/3/08 at 03:09 AM

Mr Whippy: answer = NO because my provincial regulations require the driver's side to be adjustable. Also, when I tried another car, which uses the same frame (pretty much MK dimensions), I was about 2 feet from the pedals.

Triton - 2/3/08 at 03:43 AM

Originally posted by RK
Mr Whippy: answer = NO because my provincial regulations require the driver's side to be adjustable. Also, when I tried another car, which uses the same frame (pretty much MK dimensions), I was about 2 feet from the pedals.

Locost. MK etc are all way to long for me too....why am i still awake!!!