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Grp seat inserts
Triton - 22/3/08 at 11:33 AM

Howdy doody,
While having a rummage I found my moulds for the fibreglass inserts to suit the high side, low side and low back smoothy seats and then brain decided it would be a good idea to include them free with seats sold before 1st April.
Neoprene pads being a bit invisible again!

Mark Rescued attachment smoothy seat with inserts.png
Rescued attachment smoothy seat with inserts.png

Triton - 22/3/08 at 11:49 AM

Me again!
Pretty sure I made some for the wide seats as well so will have another rummage and same applies to these if I made some that is....
Found the mould for a bonnet bulge too, picture is in my archive sat on a Vauxhall Ashtray estate...£25.00 posted.

Richard Quinn - 22/3/08 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Triton
Found the mould for a bonnet bulge too, picture is in my archive sat on a Vauxhall Ashtray estate...£25.00 posted.

Is this the "bigger bonnet doodah" in your archive? If so, I'll have one please. U2u me payment details and I'll sort it when I get back in later. Ta muchly.

Triton - 22/3/08 at 12:16 PM

Yes mate the one pictured on my old racing ashtry before it went to the ashtray graveyard.

I have 3 or 4 made so can post these out Tuesday...DHL closed Monday the lazy gits...

u2u sent.

itiejim - 22/3/08 at 02:46 PM


I'd be interested in a bonnet scoop - could you confirm the dimensions though please?
