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Davey D - 26/3/08 at 09:09 PM

Im looking for some small clips like this, but ill be darned if i can find them, as i dont really know what they are called.. anyone got any ideas

[Edited on 26/3/08 by Davey D]

r1_pete - 26/3/08 at 09:11 PM

Starlocks is one brand...

carlgeldard - 26/3/08 at 09:24 PM

I'm sure i've got a bag to suit M10 brake hose's in the garage. I'll check in the morning. What size's and how many do you need.


carlgeldard - 26/3/08 at 09:30 PM

Just checked now I have about a dozen M10's


Davey D - 26/3/08 at 09:58 PM

Excellent.. thanks people..we need some around 3mm ish so quite small. it is for SWMBO's RC plane she is building to keep the wheels in place.. ive done a search on Ebay for Starlock and found a load of them :-) its always MUCH easier when you know the name of what your looking for