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bolt in or snap hook harness' ?
eccsmk - 1/4/08 at 08:14 AM

i have the eye bolts for snap hook type but the s.v.a. covers for bolt in type
is one better than the other ?
hope this makes sence
thanks folks

locoboy - 1/4/08 at 08:21 AM

If you were to be really anal i suppose you could argue that the bolt in ones have more pro's than the clip in ones, but in reality either are fine.

eccsmk - 1/4/08 at 08:26 AM

just after posting i thought the bolt in ones were maybe better so i ordered them

02GF74 - 1/4/08 at 09:35 AM

^^^ correct choice. a solid hoop will always be stronger than an open loop of the same weight.

Marcus - 1/4/08 at 11:56 AM

Agreed about the strength, but if you want to fit a tonneau to the car, it's simple to unclip the top mounts. Bolts all the way for the lap belts though.