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Acewell group buy - make your mind up time
russbost - 5/4/08 at 01:53 PM

As it says - need some answers & some money please folks - those that requested Paypal money requests should now have them.
In fairness to those that have already paid & those about to pay I want to get the order in Monday or at latest Tuesday so if you want in then it's time to "digitus extracticus" or for those without Latin get your finger out!!!

Anyone wanting to join the group buy still can providing I'm going to get paid (I might possibly settle for an assurance of payment) by Monday - see the previous posts or u2u for details.

Anyone else needing a Paypal money request email or u2u.

Cheers Russ

Duncan_P - 5/4/08 at 03:39 PM

Link to previous thread

I'm still in as it seems like a good saving, will paypal some ££'s later today

russbost - 5/4/08 at 05:16 PM

I think I've done something stupid & managed to delete a u2u whilst reading it - I think it was from a Chris? I think wanting to join the group buy - if anyone knows who this was or how to get back a deleted u2u - Please let me know - if you are Chris & I've ignored you please try again!

Shandylegs - 5/4/08 at 07:49 PM


Paid in full via paypal.
